Garry Shi
RSS FeedWelcome to my webpage! I'm Garry and I'm always interested in the newest technologies, all forms of software, hardware and learning in general.
I hope to write on new things I learn, newest technologies that I've researched or tried out myself, and document my learning process in all the fields that I'm interested in.
Check out my social links below for more information on what I'm doing or to get in touch.
Collaboration Patterns with Jupyter Notebooks
Published: at 02:05 PMCollaboration patterns with Jupyter notebooks
Recent Posts
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Spending time Reading on Functional Programming and Trying out Gleam
Published: at 02:05 PMMy personal experiences looking at functional programming and trying out Gleam, a new functional programming language that combines simplicity with a friendly compiler, running simple programs on the terminal.
My Introductory Experience to shadcn-ui
Published: at 09:19 AMMy brief experience using shadcn-ui